Ancestors, Earth, Trees

Ancient Tree, Ancient Wisdom: Bristlecone Pine

Now is a good time to listen to the wisdom of the ancient ones. When I met the Bristlecone Trees in the White Mountains of California, I was truly humbled. They are very, very old and wise. I was drawn to a tree that seemed to carry a Mother spirit (see photo). The tree appeared… Continue reading Ancient Tree, Ancient Wisdom: Bristlecone Pine


Did Your Ancestors Know Dragons?

  Did you know that some of our ancestors had relationships with fire-breathing dragons? No, this is not make-believe. In many cultures, dragons played a key role in animating the element of fire, being earth guardians, and helping protect villages. Some indigenous tribes have creation stories and oral history about their relations with dragons. Dragons… Continue reading Did Your Ancestors Know Dragons?

Land, Mother Earth

Earth Karma ~ Transforming Humanity’s Shadow with Joy

  Because the damage done to the earth body and nature elementals is so extensive, humanity holds a shadow. The shadow of any karma you carry with the earth is clearing as you choose a different way. Mother Earth is responding immediately to right action and the sacred relationship you are creating with her. When you express… Continue reading Earth Karma ~ Transforming Humanity’s Shadow with Joy

Altars, Ancestors, Crystals, Elementals, Fairies, Flower Essences, Land, Lilies, Mother Earth, Plants, Trees, Water

Tend the Land, Tend Your Inner-Landscape: EARTH SCHOOL

How can we awaken sacred relationship with land, our bodies, and elementals of nature? We are not here to heal Mother Earth, we are here to heal our relationship with Mother Earth. And, our bodies are a reflection of the earth. Can we become nurturers of our sweet earth? Let's take loving care of our… Continue reading Tend the Land, Tend Your Inner-Landscape: EARTH SCHOOL

Ancestors, Flower Essences, Trees

Weaving a New Life with Pine Needles

I feel like I am weaving a new life as I create my pine needle basket from fallen pine needles outside my home. I feel the spirit of the pine merge with me in sweet gratitude as I weave in the tree’s essential nature. Ponderosa Pine’s guardian spirit creates sacred and gentle space—a space of non-judgment.… Continue reading Weaving a New Life with Pine Needles

Ancestors, Water

Ghost Healing to Honor Land and Receive Lineage Gifts

As a child, I was afraid of ghosts yet checked out library books about them and awoke in the middle of the night frightened. I knew spirits of the dead were real even though my mother said otherwise. Now, I find It is an honor to connect with people’s ancestors—the ghosts of their family lineage.… Continue reading Ghost Healing to Honor Land and Receive Lineage Gifts

Ancestors, Land

Beacon Rock Shares Its Light

  We walked up Beacon Rock to join the walk of the Ancestors, the spirits of land, and the natural elementals.   We walked up Beacon Rock to honor the sacred lands that we now call home… and in that walk, the land became our homelands.   We now claim these lands as our homelands,… Continue reading Beacon Rock Shares Its Light

Mother Earth, Womb Healing

Grounding in the Moment

Grounding is a way of being fully embodied, now. All my energy is present for life and a beautiful energetic relationship with Mother Earth. To practice grounding, imagine you have roots in your feet like a huge tree. See your roots growing down from each of your feet reaching and connecting with the very heart… Continue reading Grounding in the Moment

Ancestors, Land, Mother Earth

Earthwalker Essence from Sedona

I created this essence several years ago during a sacred vision quest journey of walking the land in Sedona, Arizona. A few key astrological lines of my Libran birth run through Sedona—Venus (the feminine in all expressions) and Pluto (master of transformation and the right use of power). My 'medicine' that I bring through my… Continue reading Earthwalker Essence from Sedona