Beacon Rock Shares Its Light

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We walked up Beacon Rock to join the walk of the Ancestors,

the spirits of land, and the natural elementals.

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We walked up Beacon Rock to honor the sacred lands that we now call home…

and in that walk, the land became our homelands.

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We now claim these lands as our homelands, because we want to take care of them.

We are the protectors of these lands.


Camilla Blossom & Portland’s Elderberry School of Herbal Medicine students climbed Beacon Rock to make offerings in ceremony, May 10th. Camilla was a guest teacher for the day and was guided to take the students to Beacon Rock to Listen to the Land and offer Nature Spirit Medicine.



Camilla Blossom Bishop

Camilla Blossom Bishop

Hi, I am Camilla. I am a medicine woman, land alchemist, flower essence alchemist, spiritual way shower, mentor, and messenger for the wisdom of the Grandmothers, Divine Mother, and sacred feminine creative source energy of Mother Earth. I open and catalyze relationships with sacred spirits of Gaia including nature's Elementals, Fairy, Sidhe, Dragons, Mermaids, Gnomes, Ancestors, lands and waters. I offer online Land Alchemy course, Flower Essence Magic course, mentorship, and a Patreon Portal to empower your energetic and spiritual connection, care, and honoring of Mother Earth.

Ready to feel more connected to Nature?

Check our Earth School’s free guide 13 Fairy-Approved Simple Rituals for Home & Land Harmony!



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