
Did Your Ancestors Know Dragons?

  Did you know that some of our ancestors had relationships with fire-breathing dragons? No, this is not make-believe. In many cultures, dragons played a key role in animating the element of fire, being earth guardians, and helping protect villages. Some indigenous tribes have creation stories and oral history about their relations with dragons. Dragons… Continue reading Did Your Ancestors Know Dragons?

Elementals, Mother Earth

It’s Time!

Sixteen years ago I had a dream. I was happily dancing through the wooden gates into my new school—a dancing school. It felt so good to freely dance around and be in nature. And, to open my new school. I was very excited! Then my mentor appeared. I had studied land clearing and healing with… Continue reading It’s Time!

Altars, Ancestors, Crystals, Elementals, Fairies, Flower Essences, Land, Lilies, Mother Earth, Plants, Trees, Water

Tend the Land, Tend Your Inner-Landscape: EARTH SCHOOL

How can we awaken sacred relationship with land, our bodies, and elementals of nature? We are not here to heal Mother Earth, we are here to heal our relationship with Mother Earth. And, our bodies are a reflection of the earth. Can we become nurturers of our sweet earth? Let's take loving care of our… Continue reading Tend the Land, Tend Your Inner-Landscape: EARTH SCHOOL

Elementals, Fairies, Land, Mother Earth, Plants

Where Do the Fairies Go?

 “Pave paradise and put up a parking lot.”    —Joni Mitchell What happens to the nature spirits when land is cleared or developed? Where do devas, fairies, nature spirits, nature elementals go? Can we make this process easier for them? How can we build our homes and develop properties with greater reverence and harmony towards Nature… Continue reading Where Do the Fairies Go?


Mama Dragon Attends Fairy Tea Party

The fire elementals asked me to host a tea party to activate the FIRE elemental horseshoe altar in the Unicorn Garden. This is one of the four horseshoes that represent a hoof of the spirit horse that left its shoe behind to ascend into unicorn status. The garden is horseshoe shaped and growing with calendula,… Continue reading Mama Dragon Attends Fairy Tea Party

Ancestors, Land

Beacon Rock Shares Its Light

  We walked up Beacon Rock to join the walk of the Ancestors, the spirits of land, and the natural elementals.   We walked up Beacon Rock to honor the sacred lands that we now call home… and in that walk, the land became our homelands.   We now claim these lands as our homelands,… Continue reading Beacon Rock Shares Its Light

Mother Earth, Plants

Chaos and Fern Sovereignty

Shari loves to dance chaos. She told me that she learned to be with chaos, to honor unpredictability and flow from dancing with chaos during ecstatic dancing—5 rhythms dances of Gabrelle Roth. I danced chaos with Shari and I remembered her words. I began to see how chaos and unpredictability were my allies and how… Continue reading Chaos and Fern Sovereignty


Our Fire Elementals Ignite PEACE

During a meditation with White Buffalo Calf Woman, she told me to stop keeping myself a secret! After her message, White Buffalo Calf Woman sent me into flames. I burst into the most beautiful flames of FIRE! Through this interchange, I was given this Truth: "We are the FIRE that ignites Peace." I have been… Continue reading Our Fire Elementals Ignite PEACE


Match.com Single/Red/Gnome Seeking Human Companion

I decided to start a new service based on match.com since so many people are seeking the relationship of their dreams. I’m going to call in matchElemental.com. It will match up humans with companions, soul mates, and twin flames from the elemental realms of Nature. I believe the longing we feel deep in our hearts… Continue reading Match.com Single/Red/Gnome Seeking Human Companion