Ancient Tree, Ancient Wisdom: Bristlecone Pine

Now is a good time to listen to the wisdom of the ancient ones. When I met the Bristlecone Trees in the White Mountains of California, I was truly humbled. They are very, very old and wise. I was drawn to a tree that seemed to carry a Mother spirit (see photo).

The tree appeared partially naked, old and twisted, and fresh and young in her new growth. Her purple/blue pinecones dripped with resin. She offered sacred space to be like her: vulnerable, naked, old and twisted but with fresh new growth. I allowed my receptivity to greet the energy flowing from the tree. What an amazing experience to claim my own ancient wisdom.

All aspects of the tree make it whole and beautiful.

Bristlecone Pine is one of the oldest living being in N. America. Some live to 4,000 years of age. I believe these pines hold memories of the earth and can guide us and teach us how to live from a place of more wisdom and love. Taking the tree essence, praying, or calling to its Spirit can infuse us with a way to connect with the Ancestors. Grandmother and Grandfather roots ground us in timelessness and the grander cycles of the earth.

In creating and taking the tree essence, the Bristlecone Pine essence showed me it can help restore harmony and right relationship with Mother Earth. Using the medicine of the Bristlecone Pine is a way of “breaking the wheel of karma humanity has had with Mother Earth.”

Personally, I experience very strong connections with the Ancient Holy Ones. In this connection, I became aware of ways to release karma and fear energy overlays.

Thank you Ancient Ones for your amazing presence. We ask for your wisdom as we walk through these transition times. Can you hear the ancient voices of the trees leading you to a new way?


Learn more about the tree essence of Bristlecone Pine here.


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Camilla Blossom Bishop

Camilla Blossom Bishop

Hi, I am Camilla. I am a medicine woman, land alchemist, flower essence alchemist, spiritual way shower, mentor, and messenger for the wisdom of the Grandmothers, Divine Mother, and sacred feminine creative source energy of Mother Earth. I open and catalyze relationships with sacred spirits of Gaia including nature's Elementals, Fairy, Sidhe, Dragons, Mermaids, Gnomes, Ancestors, lands and waters. I offer online Land Alchemy course, Flower Essence Magic course, mentorship, and a Patreon Portal to empower your energetic and spiritual connection, care, and honoring of Mother Earth.

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