Dragons, Earth, Elementals, Fairies, Mother Earth, Spirits of Land

Vulnerability in a Book

In my new book, I write about my very first psychic reading many years ago.Don told me I was hiding.And, he saw herbs and writing as key parts of my life.I have outgrown my tendency to hide... mostly. For self-care, I take a lot of solo time as an introvert, empath, and super sensitive to re-charge.My astrological… Continue reading Vulnerability in a Book

Earth, Elementals, Fairies, Flowers, Gardens, Gnomes, Plants

Video: Gardening with Gaia

Here is a video discussion I had with Aliza Musleah and BZ Riger on co-creating magical gardens for the new earth.  It's fun to hear ideas, stories, and inspiration from such magical people who commune with the spirit and energy of fairies, elementals, and the devas of flowers.  Aliza and BZ share about their gardening… Continue reading Video: Gardening with Gaia

Earth, Fairies, Mother Earth, The Sidhe, Womb Healing

Video: Guided Journey with Fairies

https://youtu.be/sLS-fkdDDpgVideo: Guided Journey with Fairies, Sidhe, & Elementals1 hour Co-Creative Personal & Planetary Healing with Fairies, Sidhe, Dragons, Elementals, DevasReceive Fairy Healing and Give Back to Mother Gaia. Watch Video

Ancestors, Earth, Grandmothers, Mother Earth, Star Nations

Spirit Grandmother Wisdom & Guidance

artwork: Andrea Dombecki Spirit Grandmothers blanketed us with comfort, warmth, and peace as we sat in Council with them. Their ancient spirits call us to remember who we are—our ancient origins—and how we can be of service to Mother Earth…. with joy. Here are a few messages that came through. Watch the videos to experience… Continue reading Spirit Grandmother Wisdom & Guidance

Ancestors, Earth, Trees

Ancient Tree, Ancient Wisdom: Bristlecone Pine

Now is a good time to listen to the wisdom of the ancient ones. When I met the Bristlecone Trees in the White Mountains of California, I was truly humbled. They are very, very old and wise. I was drawn to a tree that seemed to carry a Mother spirit (see photo). The tree appeared… Continue reading Ancient Tree, Ancient Wisdom: Bristlecone Pine