Land Alchemy Services

Land Alchemy

Land/Home Energy Clearing

Land Honoring Ceremony

for Land, Homes, Businesses, Places

(Remote or Onsite)

Harmonize, honor, balance, and sparkle up the energy of land, homes, and places.

You (and your land spirits) will feel much better… and attract more positive energy and abundance to you and your home.

I have developed protocols, practices, tools, and intuitive techniques to cleanse land of old, negative, and unwanted energies, emotions, mental imprints, ghosts, etc.

Land healing is my passion! 

My work taps into my mastery and gifts as a planetary healer, ceremonialist, lightworker, plant spirit healer, energy intuitive healer, and gridworker.

In Land Alchemy sessions, I intuitively, energetically, and spiritually connect in co-creative relationship with the spirits of land—elementals, trees and plants, indigenous spirits, fairies, dragons, devic realms, and the Land Council.

I am grateful to honor, bless, awaken the divine blueprint of your land and anchor the energy of unity consciousness there. 

I offer remote and onsite sessions in Land Alchemy. 

In addition, I teach and mentor others to become Land Alchemists themselves (Patreon). 

My books offer my stories, teachings, and ritual about working with the spirits of land and plants.


❤Thank you so much for the Land Healing and your loving support. I have felt a huge difference in my relationship to the land. I feel such a loving connection and a beautiful feeling when I look around the property. I Love it!! ❤

Land Alchemy with Camilla Blossom

remote healing via Zoom or on-site sessions

After a Land Alchemy clearing, a sense of peace and harmony permeates the area. Faery, elementals, and nature spirits are celebrating. Ancestors feel the amends. 

There is an honoring of a stronger sense of purpose for the land and an awakening to greater relationship between the people and the spirit of land.

~ land/Home energy clearing 


~ Honoring Spirits of land—Fairies, Elementals, Ancestors 

~ Energetic Harmonization 

~ Awakening spirit of land 

~ Land Ceremony 

~ Anchor Divine Blueprint of Land

~ Co-Creative Relations with Nature

~ Communications & Messages

You Need a Land/House Clearing If…

  • You are moving in or moving out or having trouble selling a property
  • The history of land includes trauma, conflict, divorce, illness, or tension
  • You’ve experienced hauntings, or are having ongoing problems/arguments with others
  • You’re stressed out at your home office and have lost your motivation and/or income
  • You’re feeling emotional congestion, mental confusion, and unsupported on land
  • You don’t feel connected to nature or the magical realms of your land—fairies, devas, and nature spirits

Outcomes of a Clearing …

  • Feel happier, calmer, clearer
  • Experiencing a supportive, nourishing home—more energy
  • More loving, cooperative relationships
  • Increase in positive experiences with people and the joys of nature
  • Renewed connections with nature spirits and magical realms

“I just wanted to follow up with you about this Land Blessing you did for us. I am amazed by the cultural shift that has occurred in our staff. Historically, there has been a feeling of chaos and anxiety amongst our staff. With the move to this building, that has completely shifted. This space is incredibly peaceful and supportive and there is a sense of calm within the staff. I’m noticing folks supporting each other and working together in a whole new light. One provider even mentioned that she feels like a better healer! It’s hard to believe that a building would bring such a dramatic cultural shift. I’m confident that the guardians of this land are holding and supporting us all.”

“After you introduced me to the layers of non-physical presence at our home, my relationship and connection went (is) 10 fold what it was. I connect daily with them, giving gratitude and building connection. I feel more integrated with the land we live on and such deep appreciation of the non-physical realm of support here. You really helped me see and believe. You bridged and amplified this world for me. Deepest gratitude and joy. “

“I met Camilla at a land blessing hosted by a friend and decided she was a natural teacher—not letting herself get in the way of the stories and instruction she provided. Then that same friend proposed that I have Camilla do a land and house clearing on a house project I had recently acquired.

I am a senior law and policy advisor for a federal agency. I was not sure as to why I would need that done but given my impressions as related above, I agreed to it. My project is a late 1800s house half burned in 1977 and remodeled by California wood butchers without the art. Many challenges included the accumulation of a lot of stuff—anything from old TV Guides to dirt. Cleaning the house and land was slow going but no feeling of malevolence. Four hours after the gift of the cleanse, I met with a good friend who had been helping but who also had a project of his own. He said he was finished with me for the time being. I showed him the cleaning I had done since he was last there including removing more of the old collapsed plaster walls. He asked if I was going to add any electrical outlets before I re-plastered. Then, he volunteered that an overhead light switch would be great and he could do that for me. We talked about how to proceed. Such enthusiasm he had not shown about my project for months. We parted. Not until I was sitting with a cup of a tea in my current house did I realize how the house project felt lighter and dare I say more welcoming after the cleanse. Certainly, the response of my friend who was inspired to offer more help must have been a result of the new energy.”

Land Alchemy Session 

with Camilla Blossom, Land Alchemist 

  • $225 1-hour session (Zoom)
  • $450 2-hour session (Zoom)
  • $900 day session

I am happy you give you a quote for Zoom (remote) or onsite session. Travel expenses additional for onsite. I am located near Portland, Oregon.


Contact Camilla