“Pop Up” Manifestation with Unicorns and Rainbows

Slide1Three friends described a common and surprising experience of “popping up” into a space above veils of illusion. It was at this time that the spirit of the unicorn… and rainbows began coming into readings with clients I was seeing for intuitive or flower essence healing.

What’s with the unicorns?

I was seeing them too… in my imagination, meditations, and shamanic journeys.

So I began welcoming the spirit of the unicorn. I bought a unicorn puppet and brought Uni on my travels to help me live with more childlike lightness and joy. He looks like a wise old unicorn elder and he told me he wants to do Unicorn Oracle Readings. Hmmmmm. And he works with The Council of Unicorns!

And then everything started to break loose!

Amazing things started happening for me, for some of my clients, and friends.

A few days prior, I had set up an altar dedicated to the unicorns. I placed white, pure energies like a swan feather, crystals, Selenite, and Uni and the Devil’s Club staff my friend Erin made for him. (Unicorn’s are protectors, like Devil’s Club.)

Unicorns are like the highest exalted octave of a horse, a pure white one. White animals in Native American traditions are considered Creator’s animals with magical powers. Horses have the ability to open your heart wide to receiving love.

Now, like popcorn, people were popping up above illusion. And triggering others to pop up as well! Dreams were manifesting. Not just in fantasyland but here on earth in practical ways that we could build on. My life dream came true! I was invited to live on land and transform the place into a nature sanctuary with a dear friend. Prior to that, I kept hitting walls in my life regarding new home-work negotiations. Also, I am working with All Adventures Rafting to create Mermaid Rafting Adventures and other Tours.

At the Fly Awake Tea Garden in Portland, several people came to receive a flower essence formula. They received unicorn healings. The unicorns offered soul wound healing on the spot and helped lift up the energy for magical opportunities. One woman shared an experience she had of a unicorn spirit merging with her body’s injury and taking away the pain and heaviness she had experienced previously.

Unicorns have shown me how we can manifest our dreams by keeping our spiraling thoughts moving upward into states of possibility and gratitude. Following this flow of intentional energy up the spiral of their unicorn horn (allicorn) moves us into states where all is available to us.

In contrast, it is often our pessimism, doubt, negative beliefs that keep us with heavier feelings… spiraling downwards. I noticed this when talking to a friend about world problems. I could feel our energy drop so I spoke the words “Unicorns and Rainbows” and we stopped ourselves from continuing a downward spiral of hopelessness. The energy spiraled back up into levity and beauty.

For some of us, our path is not about focusing on problems or heavy energies. We are here to co-create with new intentions and new energy and the high frequencies of the unicorns and rainbows either as a symbol or as a full-fledged spiritual relationship. It’s your choice.

Thank you Unicorns—great beings of love, innocence, gentleness, and healing! You are helping us resonate our true essence.



The unicorns asked me to create an essence so others could feel that light, joyful, highest state of possibility too. So I created a Unicorns & Rainbows Essence for manifesting your dreams.

Unicorns & Rainbows Essence (also available in Portland, OR at The Herb Shoppe Pharmacy, N Mississippi)


Camilla Blossom Bishop

Camilla Blossom Bishop

Hi, I am Camilla. I am a medicine woman, land alchemist, flower essence alchemist, spiritual way shower, mentor, and messenger for the wisdom of the Grandmothers, Divine Mother, and sacred feminine creative source energy of Mother Earth. I open and catalyze relationships with sacred spirits of Gaia including nature's Elementals, Fairy, Sidhe, Dragons, Mermaids, Gnomes, Ancestors, lands and waters. I offer online Land Alchemy course, Flower Essence Magic course, mentorship, and a Patreon Portal to empower your energetic and spiritual connection, care, and honoring of Mother Earth.

Ready to feel more connected to Nature?

Check our Earth School’s free guide 13 Fairy-Approved Simple Rituals for Home & Land Harmony!



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