Gaian Spirit Journey: Dragon Council (2 Videos)


Learn about Elemental and Light Dragons, meet your own Dragon Guides, and journey into their caves to connect and commune with the Truth of their Being. Co-Create with Dragons in Part 2. 2 video links.


Learn about Elemental and Light Dragons, meet your own Dragon Guides, and journey into their caves to connect and commune with the Truth of their Being.

Dragons hold unlimited treasures for all and want humanity to awaken to the light of their consciousness so we can partner consciously with Dragons and Elementals on behalf of Gaia Mother Earth.

The intention of the magical journey…

You will receive a 3rd EYE Dragon Activation and healing.

The Dragon Council will offer you a Dragon Initiation to help you communicate, connect, and co-create with them more easily to embrace and elevate your work as a lightworker, earthkeeper, or gridworker.

You will learn how to co-create with Dragon Guides to offer healing, ascension, awakening of your soul remembering and lineage with Dragons.


You will receive a link to watch two YouTube videos (2-hour) of the event held November 2023. Part 1 and Part 2.

I suggest you watch Part 1 and then work with Dragons for 1 or 2 weeks and then watch Part 2.