Journey to Earth’s Womb Waters: Montezuma’s Well

IMG_5481To experience true power I go to Sedona. My Pluto/Venus birth line (power/feminine) runs through Sedona. When spirit calls me, I go. My host’s home overlooks Montezuma’s Well a very sacred place considered to be Mother Earth’s womb for North America (the same way Lake Titicaca is for South America). In the distance is Cathedral Rock and Thunder Mountain.

On arrival at his home outside Sedona, I felt my whole being let go. My body knows I am in a special place—medicine for my soul. I feel a pulsing flow of energy throughout my entire body.

We journey to Montezuma’s Well and watch the pond-like waters set into the desert landscape with high walls surrounding. Ducks and golden Velvet Ash trees enliven the space. My spiritual site reveals numerous blue water dragons flowing freely in and out of the well waters and red sparks of light dancing on the waters like sperm ready to fertilize new life. I feel the potent energy of the watery and fiery elementals enter my body through my womb in a dance of rebirthing. We merge into oneness.

I make offerings down at the water’s edge near the birth canal—the place where water flows out of the bowl. Montezuma’s Well waters feel soft, light, comforting. The waters feel protected by the high frequencies of the lands. No distorted memories or toxiins are carried in these 5th dimensional waters. They are blessed and holy.

I feel like I am home… in The Mother. I am wrapped in the comfort and safety of her womb waters… floating in the energetic womb of Mother Earth… totally immersed in her unconditional love.

The peace is immensely comforting. My own womb is content and calm here. My feminine spirit has space to be… in my essence, completely and unconditionally.

The next day, I led ceremony a short distance from the Well. Mother Earth’s womb is precious and the energy radiated far from the Well.

It felt important to do healing work from a distance. My hosts found a magical spot by a creek that sings with happiness at our presence. We sing, pray, give offerings, and open our hearts in the space of the Mother. Through ceremony we heal, our Ancestors heal, and Indian Spirits of the lands come forward to heal. I experience the land as blessed by our presence. Certainly, we feel blessed being present in the womb of Creation.

A few months before this journey I gathered all my teachings to create an audio course about the sacredness of water. After creating flower essences for many years, journeying in the lush watery lands of The Columbia River Gorge, and receiving messages from the spirit Grandmothers while traveling for two years to offer water ceremony and teachings with a Native American ceremonial leader, I was happy to integrate and distill the essential wisdom of water. The teachings of water were flowing into a container for me now so they could be shared. I am guided to empower others in their own sacred relationship with water.

I remembered my time doing ceremony at the Cocopah Reservation in Yuma, Arizona. The Ancestors and Spirit Council of Grandmothers offered these messages…

“Women will lead the way in honoring the new spaces we are moving into. We must follow the women, the girls, the grandmothers. The feminine inherently knows how to nurture. Follow the feminine guidance within yourself whether you are a man or woman. Your intuitive and feeling sense is the guiding force of the New Earth. Nothing can be pushed into being. Only presence will work in the New Earth energies. Be present.”

“Women hold the waters within their wombs. Water ceremony will center on healing the womb space of women and their ability to birth the New Earth… with the support of men. Presence is the key. Now is the time. Women stepping forward to heal the waters of Mother Earth and heal themselves.”

The Grandmothers’ words have gained strength and focus over time. I live their words.

I was directed to create a healing spray for source-waters and our womb waters using Andara crystals and flower essences. I offered the spray to our regional source-waters—a Deva, Shalaya, at Oxbow Healing Springs in Oregon. Her energetic response was palpable. She blessed the spray. She reminded me of the need to honor her and, in turn, she mirrored a need to protect and honor my own source waters and feminine nature.

I brought the healing spray to Montezuma’s Well to honor and connect her with our regional Oxbow source-waters. Also, I used the healing spray in the ceremony to open our connection to our creative re-birthing.

My journey to Montezuma’s Well offered me a re-birthing of my womb waters, a stronger sense of who I am, and a direct experience of the immense power of my creative center. Through my deepening connection to the Mother waters of North America, I now carry her medicine as my own… with joy!

A new message from the Spirit Council of 13 Grandmothers…

“Honoring the source-waters is honoring your own source… where you came from… your beginning spirit. It offers a way of remembering. Remembering creates connection or re-connection to that which was lost.”

“We ask women and men to open to their Creative Source… come into contact with the core places within that feed you, nourish you, bring you joy—your own personal well-spring.”



Source Waters Healing Spray available at ETSY NatureSpiritMedicine Camilla Blossom Bishop


Camilla Blossom Bishop

Camilla Blossom Bishop

Hi, I am Camilla. I am a medicine woman, land alchemist, flower essence alchemist, spiritual way shower, mentor, and messenger for the wisdom of the Grandmothers, Divine Mother, and sacred feminine creative source energy of Mother Earth. I open and catalyze relationships with sacred spirits of Gaia including nature's Elementals, Fairy, Sidhe, Dragons, Mermaids, Gnomes, Ancestors, lands and waters. I offer online Land Alchemy course, Flower Essence Magic course, mentorship, and a Patreon Portal to empower your energetic and spiritual connection, care, and honoring of Mother Earth.

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